Breaking the Pain Cycle

Breaking the Cycle: Bouncing Back from Injuries and Rediscovering Confidence in Fitness

Ever find yourself throwing in the towel every time a nagging injury shows up? Yeah, we've all been there. But here's the deal – ditching your workout every time you face a setback just keeps you stuck in what I call the "injury cycle."

Trust me; I've been down that road more times than I can count. Torn hamstrings, back pain that felt like it had its own zip code, you name it. These weren't war wounds; there were plenty of those too. But those were fine, I could understand those. “The bone is protruding through your skin, well yeah, someone kicked me. Your lip is stuck to your braces, well yeah, someone punched me.”

These injuries had no stories to tell other than the glaring signs that my training game needed a serious upgrade. Which I refused to listen to.

Learning from the School of Hard Knocks

Flashback to my teens and early 20s, and you'd find me nursing injuries left and right. Not from epic battles or contact sports, but from my not-so-genius training protocols. Frustrating, right? But here's where it gets interesting – instead of throwing in the towel, I hit the books. I dove headfirst into different training systems, picked the brains of every practitioner I could find, and basically went back to square one.

Building Trust

Fast forward 15 years, and I can proudly say I've never felt better. How did I get there? It wasn't about chasing muscle mass or some arbitrary weight goal. It was about discovering new ways to move, breaking old habits, and—most importantly—building trust with my body.

Trust the Process - The Power of Being Present

Living in the Moment

You know what changed the game? Being present. Not just lifting weights with my mind on autopilot, but actually tuning in to how my body felt. It's not a one-way street. Treating your body like a symbiotic partner makes a world of difference.

 Get Curious - The Lowdown on Sensations

Feeling the Feels

Once I started tuning into the twinges and tweaks, magic happened. Instead of freaking out, I got curious. Pain, it turns out, is just your body's way of asking for a little TLC. Cue the lightbulb moment – these sensations aren't enemies; they're guides. Suddenly, I could navigate my workouts like a pro.

Loving the Journey

Believe it or not, I've learned to love my injuries. Not the agony of a back spasm, mind you, but what it revealed. It's like my body sending me a treasure map – "Hey, buddy, here's where you need to pay attention, that’s where the gold is"

Breaking Free - Consistency is the Game-Changer

Stayin' True to You

Here's the deal with injuries – don't let 'em mess with your consistency. The typical pain cycle? It goes a little like this: ignoring twinges, ending up in unbearable pain, fearing movement, quitting training all together for months and becoming weak all over. Starting from scratch diving into where you left off, twinges come back, ignore them, pain flares, stop training for months…aaaand repeat. 

Break that cycle! Stay engaged, share your experiences, and keep adjusting your approach.

This is true for how you apply information you are given by professionals.

  • The doctor told me to rest for 6 months and do nothing except take some cortisone shots.

  • The physical therapist told me to pull on this rubber band, which targets the direct area of pain but seems to not have any other huge training affect. 

  • The trainer told me to pay attention to the sensations I am feeling in the movement, not the stories that I have been told.

    Feel the movement, don’t feel what they told you they see in the MRI. Use these sensations to guide your training so that you can maintain as much intensity as possible while you recover.

    All different information, all has its merits. However, you have to decide and be mature about the information that will keep progressing over time. Be real: you know which one makes the most sense.  

Consistency is Key

Consistency isn't about going all out every day; it's about being present, engaged, and curious. Trust me, that's the secret sauce. It's not about fancy tricks; it's about consistently showing up for yourself, learning, and growing.

Final Thoughts

So, here's the bottom line – injuries aren't roadblocks; they're detours on the journey to a stronger, more resilient you. Embrace the twinges, adjust your course, and let your movement and exercise journey become a testament to your unstoppable spirit.


Fear in Movement


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