Monthly Hiking Recommendations.
Learn more about all of the great hiking close to New York City.
Revel in Rotation
A huge portion of my program design is dedicated rotational training. As soon as my clients are able to control their bodies in sagittal and frontal planes and then do the same with resistance, I begin to incorporate different forms of rotational exercises. As they progress, these exercises become more and more complex and spiral in nature. This month, I have included some pretty advanced rotational exercises in our programming so this blog is a timely addition. Understanding why we are doing something is for me a great tool in understanding how to do something.
How To Exercise When It Hurts
You’ve probably heard mixed messages about exercising with chronic pain in the health and fitness world. Advice like “listen to your body”, or “no pain no gain” or “just modify if it hurts”, may be well intentioned, but can be conflicting and confusing, and unhelpful if you don’t know how to modify, or what messages from your body to listen to!